Sunday, June 17, 2018

Cognitive Dissonance: Republican Epidemic.

I'm writing this because I've noticed over the last few decades that Republicans have been slowly but gradually surely losing their minds. I remember John F Kennedy as a great president and unfortunately tragically shut down far too early. The last real Republican president United States had was Dwight Eisenhower. I would have voted for I like that he was a man of vision the supreme commander of all armed forces in World War II. He led our country to victory over evil and fascism. He also did things like built the interstate highway system. boys there's your socialism for you.
I also remember Lyndon Johnson passing the Civil Rights Act ensuring that all Americans citizens had the right to vote. Many things came out of that including equal opportunity Equal justice under the law.
I also remember Richard Nixon oh what a debacle that was. Watergate impeachment resignation oh God he gave us Spiro Agnew. The Attorney General was John Mitchell and he was indicted. I'm glad we made it back to sanity.
Then we had Jimmy Carter. Things were relatively peaceful but the rest of the world was going straight to hell. The Arab oil embargo should have been a wake-up call for the United States. Just find something else to power your little Vehicles all right. Oh yeah I know right. Iran freaked out because we wanted to dispose the Emperor or Shah or whatever. (The CIA has a bad habit of going around the world in picking political winners and losers. Sometimes there's a little backlash.)
Anyhow I don't think that was Jimmy Carter's fault he was a good man and still is.
And then we got Reagan. Jesus.
Or if there was a match made in hell that would be a 10. Hollywood meet Washington. Most of Reagan's cabinet wound up working for Bush 1 and Bush 2. He gave us people like Oliver North, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney was Chief of Staff. These are the same guys that lied to us 10 years later about chemical weapons in Iraq and had us go to war under false pretenses. And they were just as dirty back then. Power and profit was all that matters to them. They were trading missiles to Iran to supply money to the Nicaraguan contras. There were also selling Saddam Hussein billions of dollars in war machinery in his war against Iran. What a way to play both sides and still make money. In about this time they started to court the religious right. So there we have the merging of mass media, politics and religion. The Holy Trinity. The trifecta. Don't forget that they also allow the media to ignore equal time  provision in the FCC rules. Big payment to the mass media companies. About this time you also saw consolidation of all the big media players. Now we are stuck with six media companies providing 90% of all our information. Six large corporations own the television stations they own the radio stations they own the cable companies they own everything you read. Welcome to Ronald Reagan America. That one's on him.
George Bush Senior had a brief but auspicious term of office. Desert Storm desert shield? Yeah right. Saddam had chemical weapons VX nerve Laboratories. I'm sure he was going to get develop nuclear bombs as well. George Bush Senior leagacy is we are still in Iraq. Tons of scandal during his term in office, I just can't remember them all.
Then we had Bill Clinton the only reason I like Bill is because he played saxophone on Arsenio Hall Show. So I voted for him.
Hey hey hey. Score of the game.  Most very excellent. Party Time.
So what did Bill Clinton do? Well, the economy did pretty well. And that pissed off the Republicans a lot. He balanced the budget and that pissed off Republicans even more. He got a b****** from an intern and that turned into an impeachment hearing. Look, if the guy is in charge of all the nuclear weapons I want him to get a b****** everyday...
I don't care who gets to do it. Hell we could set up a raffle and sell tickets.
Then the old neocon boys from Reagan and Bush 1 returned and we got George W Bush.

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